Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Word Work

Good Evening everyone!

We had a *snow day* today and they have already called off school for tomorrow..... I am not even ashamed to say I am happy!

I spent the whole morning cleaning and "putting back together" my living room after the whole pipe-bursting debacle. Then I got to spend some time cleaning out my school bag and purging about 100 papers. How does it always end up in there? :)

Then I decided to start on the first of a few projects for school/my TPT store!

The first thing I decided to re-vamp was my choice board for Words Their Way. I wasn't really happy with what I had changed to after Christmas Break (shocking, just two weeks.... ughhhh), so I decided to make some changes and now I am super happy about it!

It has 9 fun activities for the kiddos to do with their sort for the week. They *MUST* complete three but there are some added incentives for completing more. I was finding that there was too much off-task time during this, so I thought maybe a few more activities to choose from would help. Also, instead of me just dictating 3 things to do, they have some choice in the matter! :)

Pick this up in my TPT store HERE. So I am hoping to try it out THURSDAY when we go back to school! Shew, a two day week- that will be fun! Check back later for more stuff! 


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