Saturday, June 28, 2014

Volume? I Want YOUR Ideas!

Hey everyone! Hope y'all had a great week and your weekend is off to a great start!

As I mentioned in a previous post, I am taking a big leap next year and moving from 3rd grade to 5th grade! We are semi-departmentalizing next year, so I get to teach all the 5th grade math!

So of course I have ZERO self control and am already freaking out about next year, so I ran to school the other night and searched through all my packed things looking for some of the common core book resources.

I've been looking through Buckle Down, Crosswalk Coach and Ready Common Core. Also, my goodness. See that book right there, Two for the Dough. It's book #2 in the Stephani Plum series by Janet Evanovich. Please tell me WHY I haven't read these books until now. SO GOOD.

Anyways, back on track here. I'm looking at the standards, the books and the unit outline for my first unit and it's volume. And I'm a little bit freaking out. I have taught area to my 3rd graders before, but volume is a completely different story.

So I need your help. If you have had some experience teaching the 5th grade volume standards or volume in general, what were some fun lessons you taught? Were there any resources, websites, games, etc that were extremely helpful in teaching volume? Hands on way or real world experience type stuff/explorations with volume?

Leave me the ideas in the comments and I will choose one person on Wednesday July 2nd @ 12:00pm and for the winner: I will personally create one thing just for YOU for your room next year! Desk nameplates, labels for tubs, book tub labels, schedule signs, ANYTHING you want! I will make it for you! You pick the design, clip art, anything!

Thanks! I know the best ideas come from other teachers so help a girl out!

Brit :)

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