Well, we have been "sort-of" back in the swing of things! We had 5 days off last week and I caught up on a bunch of stuff around my house! We went back to school Monday and it was great to finally get going again.... only to be out Tuesday and Wednesday due to dangerously cold temperatures, like -15 with the wind chill! Poor babies can't be out at the bus stop in that! YIKES!
I did spend the last two days at SCHOOL working on a grant with some other people! So I haven't been able to work on all this jazz so much lately!
BUT, that all changed tonight! :)
In third grade, it is the first year we do KPREP, which is Kentucky's standardized state testing. Third grade is responsible for testing in only Reading and Math. They have to do multiple choice and short answer questions.
Multiple choice is not the struggle--- it's those DARN short answer questions! They have such a time trying to get them answer COMPLETELY.
So, we have been using this acronym, ACE...... however, I changed it to be ACED. You'll see why in my explanation of each letter!
So, it stands for:
A- answer the question
C- cite your evidence
E- explain your answer
D- double check your response
See why I added that D? :) So many kids finish and then move on, never checking their work which is a habit that I desperately try to break them of!
So, I decided I needed some "cutesy" posters to hang in my room to remind my students of this acronym when working on short answer questions.
TADA!!! Posters for the classroom! I made a set with owls and a set without owls! (I am aware not everyone is an owl fanatic like me lol) I love them and think they are super cute!
If you would like a set for your classroom, head over to my TPT store and download a copy here! :)
We have to go back to school tomorrow! I am actually excited and ready to teach these plans... we have been working on the same set of plans for about 3 weeks now, so I am OVER it, ready to teach, and move on to some new stuff!
Brit :)